Rhino Scoliosis Center

“Sit Up Straight!” When Your Child Won’t Listen – Scoliosis?

Do you find yourself repeatedly telling your child to “Sit Up Straight!”?  It could be scoliosis, not just poor posture.

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Does this sound familiar?  You notice your child slouching and tell them, “Sit up straight!”  Your child dutifully corrects their posture, at least for a moment.  But as soon as you turn around, they’re slouching again!  You feel like a nag, and your child may seem like they have a bad attitude in addition to bad posture.  This can become a problem between parents and their child.  Why does this happen?

Posture is a function of a part of the brain that works automatically, without us thinking about it, just like breathing.  When you focus, you can change your posture on purpose, just like you can take a deep breath on purpose.  Changing your posture out of conscious choice is using a different part of the brain than the part that maintains your posture while your mind is on other things.  Watching TV, doing homework, or playing video games requires the focus of that conscious part of the brain.  It becomes distracted when you go back to doing what you were doing before you sat up straight, and there you go . . .  Back into a slouch!  So, what can be done?

Posture improvement is one of the results of Rhino Scoliosis Reduction.  The exercises we prescribe wake up the unconscious postural centers of the brain and make them “pay attention.”  With practice, these centers are retrained to hold the body in a more upright posture; your child is able to “sit up straight” without thinking about it, and you can relax and not feel like a nag.


Helpful links:

Not sure if your child has scoliosis?  Use our “cheat sheet” to do your own posture check at home.  RHINO Scoliosis Posture Check

Email us your posture pictures at info@rhinosc.com for complimentary review by Dr. Jane Leavell:  How to Take Great Scoliosis Posture Pics

What Is Scoliosis & Why Does It Matter?

“Why Didn’t I Notice My Kid’s Scoliosis Sooner?”:  Letting Parents Off the Hook

Maintaining Family Harmony in the Face of a Scoliosis Diagnosis


Drawing by Chibird

Drawing by Chibird