Rhino Scoliosis Center

June is Scoliosis Awareness Month

Visit www.RhinoSC.com to learn more about scoliosis.


National Scoliosis Awareness Month is here!  Many people are unaware of scoliosis and its damaging effects on the lives of individuals and families.  Even for those who are aware of scoliosis and its serious implications, there is a lack of knowledge about new treatment options that enable early detection and early correction.


What is scoliosis and why does it matter?

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curving of the spine that occurs in approximately 1 out of 20 people, most often in girls.  It occurs most frequently during the growth spurt before puberty, and if left untreated almost always continues to worsen.

Scoliosis can be emotionally and physically crippling, causing such problems as pain, lung and heart trouble, poor self-esteem, physical deformity, and reduced life expectancy.


How is scoliosis usually treated?

The traditional medical approach to scoliosis treatment consists of three phases, determined by the size of the curve (measured in degrees):

  • Observation (aka “Watch and Wait”)  –  For mild scoliosis (less than 25°)

Even if scoliosis is detected early, families often face years of anxiety, as there is nothing that medical treatment can do to stop the progression of the condition.

  • Bracing  –  For moderate scoliosis (25°-40°)

The intended purpose of bracing is to halt the progression of scoliosis, not to reduce or eliminate it.  However, bracing has proven ineffective in stopping its progression.  Children who wear a brace are subjected to physical, mental, and emotional pain and discomfort, which affects their entire lives.

  • Surgery  –  For severe scoliosis (40° or more)

Scoliosis surgery is a highly invasive procedure in which metal rods are attached to the spine in an attempt to straighten it.  Surgery always carries multiple health risks (such as infection, limited mobility, pain); results in a long scar; and usually leads to additional surgery (or surgeries) down the road due to broken or corroded rods, increased pain, etc.  As if that isn’t bad enough, even after surgery, scoliosis will typically continue to worsen, which can cause rods to break.

The traditional medical approach listed above does not effectively reduce or prevent scoliosis.  And, in addition to causing physical, mental, and emotional suffering, it is very costly.


How is treatment at Rhino Scoliosis Center different?

RHINO stands for Reduction, Hope, and Innovation, with NO bracing or surgery.  We have an in-depth knowledge of scoliosis and the challenges that it causes for patients and their families.  Our patients range in age from 5 to 80 years old, and we have successfully treated and reduced curve sizes ranging from single digits to 143°.

  • Effective scoliosis reduction with NO bracing or surgery

Today, new treatment and technology, such as Rhino Scoliosis Reduction, effectively stops scoliosis.  And, with early detection, scoliosis can even be eliminated.

  • Education and Empowerment

Along with treatment, we educate our patients about their spine’s structure and function.  We empower them to maintain (and continue) their improvements with a personalized home rehab program, enabling them to live a post-treatment life without bracing or surgery.

  • Teamwork and Support

We are committed to building a sense of teamwork and a positive relationship with our patients, while maintaining a fun, uplifting clinic.  Because many of our patients are children who will require ongoing treatment until they are done growing, we work to inspire them to take charge of their own future.  We encourage self-discipline and hard work, and we celebrate their achievements with them.  In addition, we offer patients and families the emotional and mental support needed to overcome the challenges associated with this lifelong condition.

Wow, scoliosis is bad!  How can I help?

Whether you have scoliosis or not, you can help spread the word that there is an effective treatment option with no bracing and no surgery.  Please share this blog with friends and family, and visit our website at RhinoSC.com to learn more about scoliosis.  Help us raise awareness about scoliosis and create a world where early detection and early correction are the norm, helping those with scoliosis avoid the suffering that it causes.


I have scoliosis.  (My child has scoliosis.)  What’s the next step?

There is hope for the anxiety that you and your family are feeling.  Contact us today to schedule an evaluation for yourself or your child.

No matter what your age or size of your curve, NOW is the time to do something about it.