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“Can Alternative Therapies Improve Scoliosis?” – RHINO featured in Daily Camera
Posted June 2, 2016 by Rhino Scoliosis Center
Here is the article from the April 27th, 2016, Daily Camera. Find the original online post here. “Can Alternative Therapies Improve Scoliosis?” Conventional medicine says no, but at least one local says she’s living proof they can. by Aimee Heckel, Staff Writer for Daily Camera Kerry Manley, a professional dancer, was given two choices: wear a […]
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10 Reasons Scoliosis is Scary & What to Do
Posted April 28, 2016 by Dr. Jane
A diagnosis of scoliosis is scary! If your head started spinning before the doctor left the room, you are not alone. You immediately began to surf the web for information, which probably served to increase your anxiety instead of putting your mind at ease. There is so much out there, much of it contradictory. A […]
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Are You Too Old to Reduce Your Scoliosis?
Posted December 14, 2015 by Dr. Jane
People with scoliosis who are “older” often wonder if their age disqualifies them from Rhino Scoliosis Reduction™. I even hear this question from people as young as their 20’s. Concurrent conditions, like degenerative disc disease or osteoporosis, can make scoliosis patients feel like they have forever been left behind. But, it’s a misconception that only […]
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